General Terms and Conditions


These are the Terms and Conditions of PRAGUE AIRPORT TRANSFERS, s.r.o.,
with registered office at Velvarská 1701/25, Prague 6, Postal Code: 160 00, Company Registration No. 27593622.

A Customer who uses the services of PRAGUE AIRPORT TRANSFERS, s.r.o., with its registered office at Velvarská 1701/25, Prague 6, postal code: 160 00, ID: 27593622, fully accepts these terms and conditions by signing the order or contract or placing an order online via the website. Confirming an order declares explicit consent to the terms and conditions the order or shipping contract refers to. A Customer who disagrees with these Terms and Conditions is not entitled to enter into any agreement with the Company or to place an order through the Company's website.

Unless otherwise agreed, all transport services and mediation of these services are exclusively provided by registered taxi cars without a taximeter under Act No. 111/1994 Coll., On-Road Transport, under Section 21 (4) based on a prior written contract, and for multi-seat wagons with a capacity of over nine people, including the driver, as occasional passenger road transport.

These Terms and Conditions are processed by the relevant provisions of Act No. 89/2012 Coll. of the Civil Code.

The protection of the personal data of the Company's customers is implemented following the amendment to Act No. 101/2000 Coll. on the protection of personal data and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

  1. Basic Terms

1.1        The Company – the Company is the carrier or intermediary of the carriage of PRAGUE AIRPORT TRANSFERS, s.r.o., with its registered office at Velvarská 25, Prague 6, postal code: 160 00, ID: 27593622, which provides or arranges transportation and other services based on these business conditions for the Customer.

1.2        The Customer – a person or a company that uses the Company's services based on an order or contract, subject to these business terms and conditions.

1.3        Terms and Conditions – the conditions under which the Company provides its transportation or brokering services to the Customer; the indispensable condition for using the Company's services is the Customer's expressed consent regarding these terms.

1.4        The Service/Transportation – the actual transport or brokering of Transportation, travel services, or other Customer services performed or mediated by the Company.

1.5        The Driver– the Driver is an employee of PRAGUE AIRPORT TRANSFERS, s.r.o., or a contractual driver with whom PRAGUE AIRPORT TRANSFERS, s.r.o., arranges a transport service

1.6        Personal Data of Customers - personal data that, in connection with the ordering or implementation of the Company's activities for the Customer, are communicated by the Customer of the Company.

  1. Private Data of Customers and Handling of These Data

2.1      The Company uses Personal Data of Customers that Customers communicate to the Company to provide its Services to Customers for the purpose of properly securing and implementing the Service.

2.2     Personal data is collected, recorded, and handled according to the relevant EU legislation, in particular, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Act No.101/2000 Coll., the Personal Data Protection Act.

2.3     By agreeing to these terms and conditions and ticking the consent to the processing of their personal data on the relevant order, the Customer grants the Company express consent to the processing, handling, and storage of the personal and other data provided by the Customer, or a person authorised by them, to the Company.

2.4     The Customer grants consent to the Company to process their personal and other data indefinitely but only to perform the Company's services ordered by the Customer (passenger and luggage transport service). The Company is obliged to dispose of the personal data that the Company no longer needs to execute the order.

2.5      Customer agrees to use his / her Personal and other Data only subject to strict adherence to the conditions laid down by law for handling such Personal and other Data.

2.6      The Company is obliged to process Personal and other Customer Data only to the extent strictly necessary and only to the extent that the Company needs such Data to properly perform its activities and provide its services to the Customer.

2.7      The Customer agrees that if he disagrees with the Company's terms of use of his or her Personal and other Data, he is not entitled to use the Company's services to reject or not to use them.

2.8      The Company undertakes to provide Personal and other Customer's Data, both in electronic form and on paper. For this purpose, the Company has appointed a responsible person to ensure the proper handling of Customers‘ personal information.

2.9      Protection of Personal and other Data of Customers shall be carried out by the Company within the framework of its internal, legal and administrative measures, in particular, according to its own internal directive on the protection and handling of Personal Data of Customers, and shall not use the services of third parties and companies to ensure the handling of Personal and other Customer Data.

2.10      Provisions for the Protection of Personal and other Data of Customers shall apply to both the Customer as a natural person as well as to intermediaries, legal entities and entrepreneurs executing orders and the transfer of Personal Data of the Company's Customers for the purpose of ordering its services.

2.11      The Company is liable for damages caused to Customers by violating their duties in handling their Personal Data. However, the condition for claiming damages by the Customer is making a timely complaint and a complaint of breach of duty by the Company. Complaints must be substantiated, with a breach of the Company's obligations fully and unconditionally proven, and the claim must be recognized by the Company.

2.12     The provisions on the protection of personal and other data of Customers apply to both the ordering natural person and intermediaries, legal persons and entrepreneurs carrying out orders and transferring personal data of Customers to the Company for the purpose of ordering its services.

2.13     The Company shall be liable for damages caused to Customers due to a breach of its obligations in handling their personal data. However, a timely complaint and claim for breach of duty by the Company is a condition of the Customer's claim for damages. The claim must be substantiated, the violation of the Company's obligations must be proven entirely and beyond doubt, and the Company must acknowledge the claim.

2.14     The Company respects your right to know about your personal data. Upon request, we will provide detailed information about the personal data we collect about you, the purpose of its collection, and the extent to which it is used, empowering you with control over your data.

2.15     If personal data about the Customer is provided to the Company by a third party (accommodation facility, travel agency, agent, etc.), the Company shall treat such data in the same manner as if the Customer had provided it to the Company. However, in this case, the Company shall not be liable for handling personal data by such third parties.

2.16     The Customer is entitled to withdraw his consent to handling his personal data at any time. The withdrawal of consent must be delivered to the Company in writing. In the event of a proper withdrawal of consent, the Customer also withdraws consent to the service provision. In connection with the Customer's withdrawal from the service, the Company's right to compensation for any damages caused shall not be affected.

  1. Guarantee of Compensation and Liability for Damage

3.1       The Company is liable to the Customer for any damage or inconvenience if the Company or its employee directly or indirectly causes the damage. In case the Customer's carriage is mediated by another carrier, the carrier is liable for the damage caused by them performing the carriage, and the Customer accepts their carriage service by boarding their vehicle.

3.2.      The Customer takes into consideration that he has no liability claims in these events:

  • There was a delay during the Transportation, whether initially during the Customer's arrival, or in the actual course of transport, due to force majeure. Force majeure is defined as an intervention of a natural disaster, weather, weather conditions, a car accident not caused by the Company's driver or a driver of an intermediary carrier, road congestion caused by road repairs or other communications, or delay caused by government or administrative intervention – police officers, etc.
  • There has been a delay in Transportation due to the Customer or another ordering party (travel agent, hotel, tour operator, etc.), for example by not arriving at the agreed time at the agreed place.
  • Damage has been done to the Customer's property or to his health resulting from a traffic accident not caused by the Company’s driver or an intermediary carrier’s driver but by another driver, animal, or person.
  • There has been damage done to the property of the Customer or his health or life due to any manoeuvre that the driver was forced to undertake during transport to prevent more significant damage or consequences, such as the need for sudden braking due to the situation on the road, sharp detours and skidding, where, unless proved otherwise, such a manoeuvre is considered necessary, for instance, for avoiding a collision with an animal, man, or another vehicle on the road, etc.
  • Damage has been caused due to the obliviousness of the Customer or another ordering party (for example, forgetting to put baggage into the trunk or forgetting to unload it, loss of small items or cash during carriage, etc.).

3.3       If damage is caused to the Customer due to a pickup at a different time than the time stated on the order, the Customer is entitled to a contractual penalty that represents a flat-rate compensation up to a maximum of CZK 2,000. The damage must, however, be demonstrable and substantiated by the Customer, who has to file a Complaint in accordance with these Conditions.

3.4       By using the Company's transport or by using transport mediation services, the Customer expressly declares that he finds the amount of a contractual fine of up to CZK 2 000 as a flat-rate compensation for damage caused by or in connection with the transport to be entirely sufficient, and agrees with this amount. In case of disagreement, the Customer is not entitled to use the Company's services and the Company is obliged to refuse to provide such services.

3.5       If the Customer intends to claim damages exceeding the contractual penalty of CZK 2 000, then he/she is obliged to insure himself/herself in case of damage. This duty to get insurance against damage in the event of injury has been fulfilled by the Customer on the basis of boarding, and the Customer takes full responsibility regarding the fulfilment of this obligation.

  1. Determining the Time of Commencement of Transport

4.1       However, the Customer or another ordering party expressly acknowledge that they are obliged to negotiate the time of departure of the Customer, i.e. the time of arrival of the carriage well in advance (for example, prior to departure, the commencement of another flight, etc.), including the offset of at least 30 minutes, to prevent delays to the carrier due to force majeure, bad traffic or road complications (accidents, traffic jams, and other traffic restrictions).

4.2       If the Customer or another ordering party does not respect the above-stated limits and time reserves stated in their order when setting the time for boarding and consequently suffers damages because of it, they are not entitled to compensation for such damage from the Company.

  1. Order Methods

5.1       We provide all services based on orders from the Customer or another client (hotel, travel agency, tour operator, etc.). Orders can be placed online via our website, e-mail or SMS. The contract for the transport of persons, based on the provision of services by the Company to the Customer, is created based on a binding order confirmation. This confirmation is a secure and binding agreement received by SMS, e-mail, or website. The confirmation of the order receipt in the system is not considered binding until it is confirmed by the Company, in which case the Customer is also notified that he/she can use the Company's services only after agreeing to these Terms and Conditions and ticking the consent to the handling of the Customer's personal data.

Methods of order execution:

- Order created by the Customer via the website or by e-mail (brokerage contract), where the Customer pays the price directly to the carrier, as a third party that carries out the transport.

- an order created by the Customer via the website or by e-mail, where the Customer pays the price directly to the Company that provides the transport.

- an order created through a partner of the Company, e.g. a travel agency, hotel or corporate client, where the partner pays the price directly to the Company based on a monthly invoice.

Other forms of orders are not allowed.

5.2       An order confirmed by the Company (or part of it) is considered binding for both parties unless the contract terms agreed upon at the time of confirmation are violated. In particular, the content of the order (exact specifications of the transport and the number of persons transported), the price of the transport, the method of payment, and consent to the business conditions – in particular with the maximum amount of the contractual penalty and the limitation of the liability of the Company for the damages caused, and the term of realization.

5.3       The Contract is concluded on the date of confirmation of the order by the Company's representative when it becomes effective. The Contract is never concluded immediately before or at the time of carriage. Upon boarding the carriage, the carriage commences following the previously binding contract for the carriage of passengers, ensuring a seamless continuation of the service.

5.4       The Company has taken the necessary measures to harmonise and conform its website and order forms with the relevant EU and domestic legislation requirements. It has implemented the mechanisms needed to inform Customers, ensure their consent to handling their personal data, and comprehensively acquaint them with the terms and conditions of the service.

  1. Payment Options

6.1       In cash

When paying a transfer or other service in cash, the driver or representative of the Company accepts only Czech crowns (CZK) and currencies that are optional during the booking process, i.e. British pounds (GBP), Euros (EUR), US dollars (USD) and others. Payments in cash in foreign currency are based on the current exchange rate of the Czech crown on the day of the pickup, determined by the Company, not on the rate that was current on the day of booking.

6.2       By credit/debit card

If the Customer pays by a debit or credit card online, it is possible to make payments in the following currencies – CZK, EUR, GBP and USD. If the Customer pays directly to the driver or a Company representative, it is possible to pay only in CZK and only by cards whose logos are displayed on the Company's website. If the Customer pays online in advance, the Company's driver or representative is informed of the payment; printing a payment receipt is unnecessary.

6.3       Bank transfer

Payment by bank transfer (with post-payment monthly billing) is only possible on request or when the Company has allowed the Customer this payment option. Otherwise, the Customer may pay the invoice as an advance invoice before executing the order. Otherwise, the Customer is entitled to cancel the order. Invoices may only be issued in the following currencies - CZK and EUR.

  1. Payment Receipts and Invoicing

For payments made directly to the driver (by credit card or in cash), we will email the Customer a receipt on the day of pickup once the trip is completed. For payments made online via the Company's website, the Customer will be sent a receipt (tax invoice) once payment is done. If the Customer pays for an invoice (bank transfer), the invoice is issued by the Company, and the price includes VAT. If the document is issued directly by the contractual driver, the tax document may or may not include VAT, depending on whether or not the driver is a registered VAT payer. All listed prices are final and include VAT.

  1. Payment for the Return Journey

If the booking includes a return trip or multiple trips, the customer can pay the total amount in one payment or pay for each trip separately. If the customer pays the driver directly, paying for all journeys at once is not possible, but only for a specific trip.

  1. Advance Payments

For orders where the pickup location is outside of Prague, the Company may require an advance payment for the selected limousines (e.g., Hummer H200, Lincoln TC120, Lancia Thema, Mercedes S), as well as for trips and orders involving larger groups. This payment must be made at least 24 hours before the scheduled pickup time. In such cases, the Customer's company must confirm the advance payment and specify the payment method. If the required advance payment is not made, the Company reserves the right to cancel the order without providing a refund.

  1. Change of Reservation and Cancellation Conditions

10.1       Regular transport (transfers)

If a Customer wishes to change or cancel his reservation, he may do so through the Company's website –, by email or telephone before leaving – at least two hours before the pickup time. If the Customer has already paid for the pickup and cancelled the ride within the required time, the Company will return the money to him, or the service will not be invoiced. If the Customer fails to cancel the service in a timely manner, the prepaid advance or the amount for the execution of the transport is considered the amount of the contractual penalty that compensates the Company for the damage caused by the late cancellation.

10.2      Transport with pickup point outside of Prague

Changes and cancellations of transfers with a designated pickup spot outside Prague are subject to different cancellation conditions. Cancellations must be made at least 24 hours before the scheduled pickup time, otherwise the Company will charge a 100% cancellation fee as a flat-rate compensation in the form of a contractual penalty paid by the Customer. The reason for applying a 100% cancellation (contractual penalty) is to cover all the costs of the ordered and non-shipped transportation from the Company.

10.3      Limousines

Changes and cancellations of limousines (such as the Hummer H200, Lincoln TC120, Lancia Thema, Mercedes S) are subject to cancellation conditions than regular transfers. Cancellations must be made at least 24 hours before the scheduled pickup time, otherwise the Company will charge a 100% cancellation fee. The reason for applying a 100% cancellation fee is to cover all the costs of the ordered and unattended Transportation by the Company. If your flight is significantly delayed (more than 20 minutes), we might be unable to provide booked service. In such circumstances, we try to find the best possible solution and will offer a full refund or an option to change the booking to a later time or an alternative vehicle. Those situations are entirely excluded from our compensation scheme.

10.4      Excursions, tours and other services

Cancellations must be made at least two hours before the scheduled trip. Otherwise, the Company will charge a 100% cancellation fee (contractual penalty, as a flat-rate compensation for late cancellation). For larger groups or reservations requiring an advance payment, cancellations must be made at least 24 hours before commencement. Otherwise, the Company will charge a 100% cancellation fee as a flat-rate compensation in the form of a contractual penalty paid by the Customer. The 100% cancellation fee covers all the costs of the service that has already been ordered and non-commissioned on behalf of the Company.

  1. Refunds, Payment Complaints and Consumer Disputes

If the Customer cancels a prepaid online service and is entitled to a refund, the money will be automatically returned to the card (bank account) used to pay the order, usually within 5 working days. Otherwise, all claims for refunds for cancelled or unpaid services must be made within 30 days in writing or by email to the Company's email address or postal address.

In the event of a dispute regarding a refund or an incorrectly charged payment, the customer has the option of resolving the dispute in the form of a Complaint or a payment claim, which is then duly verified within 30 calendar days from the date of the claim. If the complaint is rejected, the customer may turn to the consumer dispute resolution body, see paragraph 15.

  1. Compensation and Maximum Contractual Penalty

Claims for damages must be submitted within 30 days in writing or by e-mail to the address or email address of the Company. Upon expiry of this period, the Customer no longer has the right to claim compensation or any related claim for damages concerning the application of the contractual penalty. Any Customer complaint will, however, be adequately investigated. Compensation for damage/inconvenience is limited to a maximum amount equal to the transport price per reservation but not exceeding CZK 2,000 – a maximum contractual penalty. Damages are exempt when, for logistical reasons, a replacement wagon of the same type or the same wagon is provided in another colour and in situations where the damage occurs due to events that the service provider cannot influence, such as natural disasters. Claims for damages if your flight is significantly delayed or arrives earlier (more than 20 minutes) are also excluded from our compensation scheme.

  1. Complaints and the Application of the Contractual Penalty

13.1      In case of any problems, the Customer needs to follow this complaint handling procedure. If a Customer desires to claim damages, he must immediately inform the Company about the problem. If the Customer cannot find his driver or has any other problem with a particular ordered service, he contacts the Company immediately via telephone. If the problem is not resolved immediately or to the extent that is required, the Customer will communicate this fact to the Company by email or in writing and will give details of the complaint. The complaint will then be investigated as soon as possible, usually within a few days.

13.2      All necessary contacts regarding the Company for the purpose of filing a complaint or claiming a contractual penalty/compensation shall be found by the Customer on the order or the contract of carriage, or these contacts will be found in a visible place in the car, or the contact will be provided by the respective driver of the car to which the Customer is transported.

13.3      In the event of a breach of the Company's obligations in respect of the handling and storage or use of its Personal Data, the Customer has a right to a complaint against the Company's conduct in this matter. The complaint will be sent by the Customer to the address or email address of the Company, which will examine the Customer's complaint, investigate and take the necessary action both with respect to the complainant and with respect to other Customers.

  1. Obligations of the Customer

14.1 The Customer is obliged to behave at the time of transport in accordance with the driver's instructions and, in particular, to observe the safety regulations of the valid carriage. The Customer acknowledges that he has been advised of all circumstances, including safety regulations, prior to transport. The Customer also undertakes not to damage the carrier and transport vehicle in any way, preserve its cleanliness, damage the property of other transported persons, or cause trouble during transport. In the event of a breach of these obligations, the Customer is aware of the liability for the damage caused by the Company, the ordered Transporter, or third parties by their actions.

14.2      The Customer is also obliged to board the vehicle at the agreed time of arrival, except when he finds out that he cannot board it for a valid reason (stated above).

  1. Out-of-court Settlement of Consumer Disputes

In the event that a consumer dispute arises between us and the consumer under a contract for the provision of services which cannot be resolved by mutual agreement (e.g. a claim is rejected as unjustified), the consumer may submit a proposal for out-of-court resolution of such a dispute to the designated body for out-of-court resolution of consumer disputes, which is: the Czech Trade Inspection Authority (Central Inspectorate - ADR Department). After the consumer has expressed his/her opinion, the latter will propose a solution to the dispute.

In the event of a consumer dispute relating to the sale of our goods or the provision of our services, the Czech Trade Inspection Authority - ("CTIA") is the competent authority for the out-of-court resolution of consumer disputes and can be contacted regarding any consumer dispute. As of 15 February 2016, you can also use the website to submit a proposal to initiate out-of-court dispute resolution and to obtain information on out-of-court resolution of consumer disputes (including cross-border disputes). There may also be other so-called authorised persons/entities for out-of-court resolution of consumer disputes, where it is also possible to initiate - resolve out-of-court resolution.

  1. Validity of These Terms and Conditions

These Terms and Conditions are valid for an indefinite period starting September 1, 2024. In the event of changes to these Terms and Conditions, which are reserved by the Company, the Customer is considered to be bound by the Terms and Conditions in the version valid at the time the contract was signed or the valid order was sent or placed.